✏️ This is a curation of strategies that we think you should focus on for the next 3 months - these are taken from all the sections (content, product, growth hacking).
Content + Growth Hacking
- Focus on everything listed in CONTENT + BRANDING - start off with tiktok (tik tok is priority), snapchat, reddit
However we recommend focusing on pushing out Super Bowl content: (check below on the product section on pushing a super bowl campaign)
- The focus ads for the month of February should be for this specific competition
- Pushing out a sports newsletter by Phantasia
- includes all sports highlights from games
- RE-cap of all the competitions that happened for the week on phantasia - shout out winners
- phantasia product updates
- What to look out for on phantasia next week
Product Focus
Super Bowl Marketing Push
This is the BEST opportunity for a huge marketing push to get infront a lot of sports viewers
- create a special super bowl competition game on the app
- increase the incentives and rewards for this specific competition so it makes it appealing
- Sponsor a raffle or giveaway where the winner can win super bowl tickets
- make a requirement: users need to join phantasia and invite 3 friends to join the raffle
Virality Loops - Referrals